The USGenWeb Archives Project The CoGenWeb Project The USGenWeb Archives Project - Colorado The USGenWeb Project

The USGenWeb Archives Project - Colorado



Cemeteries | Census | History | Military


. Icon indicates cemetery headstone photographs have been donated to the USGenWeb Tombstone Photo Project - Colorado.

File Description File Size Date Submitter
Hillside Cemetery Hillside  Cemetery Tombstone Photos      
Ovid Cemetery Ovid Cemetery Tombstone Photos   Mar 2001 Arlene Glenn
Sedgewick Cemetery Sedgewick Cemetery Tombstone Photos      


File Description Images Date Submitter
1860 US Census Nebraska Territory
Platte River Settlements
  Jan 1999 Nebraska USGenWeb Archives
1870 US Census (Weld)
Transcription (4 text files)
  Sep 2004 Tim Callahan
  1900 US Census Schedules
Publishers Notes, Schedules (24 GIF Images)
  Elvera Johnson
S-K Pubs
1910 Census  A-L | M-Z 1910 US Census Schedules
Publishers Notes, Schedules
(67 GIF Images)
Jul 2004 Elvera Johnson
S-K Pubs
  1920 US Census Schedules
Publishers Notes, Schedules (87 GIF Images)
  Elvera Johnson
S-K Pubs



1911 Colorado Business Directory

File Description File Size Date Submitter
Julesburg   Dec 2004 Joy Fisher
Ovid   Dec 2004 Joy Fisher
Sedgwick   Dec 2004 Joy Fisher


File Description File Size Date Submitter
Julesburg High School 1904 - 1929 6.5 KB Jan 2004 Betty Baker
Ovid High School 1924 - 1934 3 KB Jan 2004 Betty Baker
Sedgwick High School 1910 - 1933 4 KB Jan 2004 Betty Baker



File Description File Size Date Submitter
WWII Honor List Of Dead And Missing 1946 1 KB Nov 2005 Marta Norton

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NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county tables of content.

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The USGenWeb Archives Project - Colorado
The COGenWeb Project
The USGenWeb Tombstone Project

The USGenWeb Archives Project is a part of the The USGenWeb Project

Send comments about this page to:
Carolyn Golowka
The USGenWeb Archives Project - Colorado File Manager

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This page last updated - Saturday, 20-Nov-2021 18:05:57 EST