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Pottawatomie County Table of Contents
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KSGenWeb page.
POTTAWATOMIE County, formerly embraced within the limits of Riley, was organized by the
Territorial Legislature of 1857. Its northern and southern boundaries were the same as at
present, while its western boundary was the guide meridian, about five miles east of Manhattan,
and its eastern boundary about five miles east of its present one. It is now bounded on the north
by Marshall and Nemaha counties, on the east by Jackson and Shawnee, on the south by the
Kansas River, on the west by the Big Blue; having natural boundaries on the south and west.1
Organized in 1856. County seat, Westmoreland. Named for the Pottawatomie Indians, whose
reservation at the opening of the Kansas Territory for settlement, and for years afterward, embraced
a large portion of the geographical area of the County.2
- 1.
William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas
published in 1883 by A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL.
2. History of Kansas, Noble Prentis, (Winfield: E.P. Greer. 1899)
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