"A Glimpse of the Past"


"A Glimpse of the Past" is a booklet that was written by the late Guida L. Goodman Snavely. One of Guida's
passions and hobbies was that of genealogy researching. Born and raised in Breckinridge County, her parents
were from the Breckinridge County family lines of Goodman and Priest. Many a researcher in the county,
as well as around the country, have benefited from the work she has done on her family lines. It was her love
of genealogy and history that led to her writing, "A Glimpse of the Past". As she eloquently writes, "... [the
booklet] was for the younger generations that have never heard of such things and to refresh the memory of some
of us older ones."

While I had debated about placing it online, I began to realize here was where it needed to be. Guida's purpose
in writing this little booklet was just what all researchers, young and old, are doing when they pull out the old
ledgers, courtbooks, marriage books, and dusty books of yesteryear. They are trying to preserve the past for
future generations. Guida passed away just within the past couple of years, and this section is dedicated to her
and her memory.

This booklet is available through the Breckinridge County Archives if anyone is interested in a copy. You can
contact Karen Schafer or Bevia Sanders at (270) 756-6112 or at their email address:
Breck. Co. Archives.
The original cost, if purchasing onsite, was $10, but may not include S & H, so you'll want to contact them
for complete pricing information.


the Home
the Land
and Relics
the Home
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Churches Fertilizer Food Cast Iron
Cook Stoves
Ice Houses-Cooling
Water Mills Country Stores Blacksmiths
Sun Marks Doctors Conveniences Law and Order Lighting
Trees Shoe
Hog Killing-Lard
Soap Making Butter Making
Spring Greens and
Sorghum Making Honeybees Pack Peddlers Recipes
Home Remedies Toys Games Childhood Days Music and Dancing
Folklore Sears Catalog Early American
Indoor Plants
The Circus Old Time Burials
Prohibitions Days Cars Depression Feed Sack Clothing Old Sale Bill
Steam Engines Mid Wife Photographers Courting Superstitions
About Love
Weddings and Charivares Old Sayings Taverns On Being Fat Good Old Days