A Collection of Obituaries

Mattie's Scrapbook of Obituaries
A collection of obituaries spanning 60+ years. The earliest date I am aware of is 1905. Most of these were in Hopkins County, but a good many of them were also in Webster and Henderson Counties as well as Evansville, Ind. There are also a lot of other counties and states mentioned.

All of Mattie's obituaries begin with mt followed by a number. The number represents the page number in the scrapbook. Please be patient if the obituary you are interested in is not yet online... I'm working as fast as I can.

Visit Mattie's page to learn more about her and her scrapbook

Other Hopkins County Obituaries
This index includes all obituaries that are not in Matties Scrapbook that I have placed online. If you have an old obituary, why don't you send it to me so I can put it here?

Webster Co Obits
Many Hopkins countians have strong ties to Webster Co. Be sure to check out the obituaries here too.

Nancy Trice / Madisonville, Ky
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