Pulaski County 1840 Slave Schedule
Free Black Heads of Household:
p 328 - Buster, Joe
p 332 - Hays, Peter
p 333 - Roper, Hecter
"Free Colored Persons" in Other Households:
p 308 - Davis, James household
p 328 - Hansford, Thomas household
p 317 - Hays, William household
p 329 - Mayfield, Marey household
p 317 - Prater, John household
p 332 - Welling, Thursey household

Slave Schedule

NARA Film M704, roll 122: 1840 Census Pulaski Co, KY
Enumerated by D.E. "Ebenezer" Thompson

Legend: _ Text hidden by smears, or whatever, appears as a blank line (ex:Smit_)
/ Text that has been crossed out appears between slashes (ex: //Smith//)
~ Numbers that have been crossed out
# Numbers that have been purposefully smeared out
Age Categories [males/females]:
10, 10-23, 24-35, 36-54, 55-99, 100 and up

Slave Owners:
Pg Head of Household Slaves
329 Adams, Alexander 020000/200100 329 Adams, David 000000/100000 336 Alcorn, James 000000/000100 329 Allin, David 200000/110000 329 Allin, Samuel 010000/000000 317 Asher, Elizabeth 010100/220100 331 Baety, James F. 010000/001000 316 Baety, John 0_0000/021000 332 Baety, John 331000/331100 314 Baety, Josiah 654100/642400 329 Baker, Thomas 200000/110000 316 Barker, John 120100/011000 306 Baror, James 200000/111000 306 Bobbit, John 20~000/2~1000 317 Bryant, Joseph 230000/202100 314 //Buccanon, E.J.// 000~00/0~0000 328 Butt, Adison 010000/000000 336 Caldwell, John 100000/010000 329 Campbell, Archibald 310000/321000 316 Campbell, James 100000/301000 332 Clark, Nancy 000000/000010 314 Clonch, Christopher 002000/021000 314 Clonch, William 000000/210000 316 Colyer, John 101110/140010 328 Combess, John 100000/010000 324 Cowan, James D. 010000/000000 315 Cowan, John W. 141000/021100 315 Cowan, Robert 110000/020000 316 Cowan, Sarah 120000/111000 315 Crain, John 110000/010100 315 Cundiff, Elish W. 100000/001000 329 Cundiff, Isaac 000000/100000 336 Curd, John B. 021000/101010 314 Deboard, William 000000/002000 336 Dehoff, James 000000/010000 315 Denham, Obediah 200100/132000 317 Denham, Squier 100000/210010 328 Denham, William 020000/111000 315 Denham, Wodson 100000/110000 316 Dick, John Jr. 000000/001000 313 Dick, Samuel 3~0000/101000 332 Dogan, Lovel H. 220000/120100 331 Dogan, Samuel 000010/000000 336 Dunnivant, Wilson 000000/000100 336 Dutton, Jonothan 010000/000000 315 Dutton, William 010000/000000 333 Eastham, John Sr. 001000/010000 336 Elliot, Milford 100000/000100 328 Erwin, George 110400/301100 315 Evans, John 033000/000000 296 Evans, John Sr. 200000/200200 306 Evans, Majar P. 200000/000100 330 Evans, John, dec'd 230100/412200 (executor, Samuel Evans) 317 Evans, Samuel 000100/000000 328 Fitzpatrick, John 522000/030100 328 Fitzpatrick, Mary 130000/130100 336 Fitzpatrick, Schuyler 000000/201000 315 Fitzpatrick, William 000000/000010 316 Floyd, Sarah 100000/020000 316 Ford, John 100100/101100 317 Ford, Zachariah 000000/010000 337 Fox, F.T. 100000/021000 334 Fox, William 321300/140200 317 Gallasby, Patrick 000000/220000 292 Garner, Vincnt 201000/001000 316 Gastinew, Jobe 320000/201000 315 Gibson, John 101000/110000 317 Gibson, Thomas 010000/020000 292 Gileland, Christopher 000000/201000 317 Gilliland, William 200000/120100 314 Gilmore, James 111000/202000 314 Gilmore, Jefferson 010000/000000 316 Gilmore, Robert 121000/230000 336 Goggin, Bourne 311000/321100 332 Goggin, Christopher ~01~10/301010 332 Goggin, Richard 032000/332020 315 Gover, John 100000/121000 315 Griffin, James W. 200000/210000 317 Griffin, John 221000/101000 321 Griffin, Squire 010000/000100 314 Hail, Silas 010000/010000 316 Haines, Betsey 020000/010100 292 Hair, Bolen F. 1~0000/000000 317 Hamilton, Rutha 100000/010000 288 Hamilton, William 010000/000000 330 Hammons, John 020000/001000 328 Hansford, Thomas 000000/010000 330 Hays, Charles 421000/231000 292 Hubble, Levi Jr. 001000/000000 315 Hubble, William 301000/010000 316 Hudson, Jacob 011000/011000 316 Hudson, James 130000/150200 316 Hudson, Polly 200000/011000 316 Hudson, Spencer 300000/231100 336 Hutchison, Raney 410000/010000 315 Ingram, Charles 110000/100100 313 James, Daniel 002100/010100 313 James, Joseph M. 000100/120010 333 Jasper, Achillis 110000/010000 313 Jasper, Andrew C. 300000/3~0000 316 Jasper, Charles 200000/201000 328 Jasper, Elizabeth 000000/110000 329 Jasper, John Jr. 100000/110000 328 Jasper, John Sr. 000100/020100 317 Keney, Moses 010000/110000 321 Kilbourn, Elisha 000000/010000 321 Kilbourn, Henry 000000/010000 336 Kinderick, John S. 100000/110100 317 Langdon, Susan 100000/110000 316 Lee, David 010000/000000 315 Lee, John B. 200000/011000 327 Lee, Seton 000000/001000 332 Logan, John 012000/212000 316 Long, David K. 010000/000000 316 Long, John 021100/321000 329 Love, John 010000/010000 317 Love, Joseph 000#00/~00100 316 Mayfield, Alfred 000000/001000 329 Mayfield, Marey 010000/211000 328 McCay, John 000100/000000 314 McColister, James 010000/020000 313 McColister, Joseph 011000/000000 314 McColister, Robert 310200/331100 315 McCositer, Milton G. 010000/101000 314 McQuerry, Pleasant 020000/402000 308 Mercer, Ephreim 000000/100000 324 Miles, William 041000/220000 314 Moore, Rebecca H. 200000/201000 336 Neal, William 310000/111000 316 Newell, Joseph 640000/001100 330 Newell, Montgomery 110000/110000 329 Newell, Samuel 131000/120000 317 Ousley, Walter W. 221100/450000 330 Owens, John 941200/633000 313 Patterson, Lewis 120000/220000 316 Pierce, James 110000/300100 317 Pierce, John 200000/211000 317 Prater, John 250000/425300 317 Price, Sarah 100000/111000 317 Price, William 000000/010000 328 Quarles, Tunstall 100100/201200 317 Richardson, Charles 220000/200100 317 Richardson, John 111000/010000 315 Richardson, Margret 100000/111000 317 Richardson, William 111000/010000 336 Sallee, Joel 100000/000000 317 Sanders, Lemuel 120100/711210 315 Saunders, Creed 010000/201000 332 Saunders, George 101100/201000 331 Saunders, George W. 000000/010000 317 Saunders, John G. 001000/101000 315 Saunders, Julius 210000/211000 317 Sears, Jesse 000000/000100 316 Simpson, Sarah 222000/222000 317 Slone, Benjamin 100000/010000 315 Smith, Berry 230000/220000 313 Smith, Clemant 010000/010000 316 Smith, James C. 010000/010000 314 Smith, Jonothan 010000/010000 316 Smith, Joseph 100000/000000 316 Smith, Joseph 010000/100100 315 Smith, Thomas 110000/001000 314 Smith, Thomas I. 110000/311000 315 Starns, Coonrad 010100/001000 336 Stewart, Caldwell 003000/021000 313 Stigall, Coleman 553000/040000 316 Stigall, Constant 020000/021000 316 Stigall, Thomas 331000/220100 329 Stringer, David 130000/110100 308 Stringer, James M. 000000/010000 314 Surber, Joseph 100000/010000 314 Sutton, Micajah 012000/000000 324 Tarter, Chrisly 101000/010000 317 Tate, Robert 120000/230100 317 Tate, Samuel 020000/211100 317 Thurman, Benjamin 100100/011000 336 Vickery, Jenkins 000000/010100 334 Wait, Cyrenius 363100/343000 336 Wait, William 000000/010000 329 Waren, David Jr. 011000/111000 329 Waren, William 100000/000000 318 Warren, Liberty 010000/000000 316 Weaver, Polly 402~10/211100 306 Wheeldon, Cornelius 010100/000000 313 White, Lambert 020~00/020100 315 Williams, Smith 101000/010000 330 Wilson, Thomas 000000/120000 336 Withers, Horris 001000/010000 313 Woodcock, Sarah 100010/321000 336 Woodcock, William 021000/110000 329 Woods, Belfield 000000/010000 330 Woods, Eli 114100/010000 314 Zachary, Willis 300000/201000 315 Zackary, Benjamin 000000/021000
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