Configure & Connect

  1. Open WS_FTP, you will see...

    Click the "New" button near the top of the window.

  2. After you click the "New" button, you can then fill in the fields like the pictures below...

    Make sure the fill in the following fields correctly:
    • Host: The ftp address of the site to which you are uploading
    • User ID: The ID assigned to you for logging on to the site
    • Password: (will be sent to you by the State Archivist)
    • Make sure to check "Save password"!!

  3. Fill in the fields as shown below...
    • Initial Remote Host Directory: Should be the directory to which you upload files. You should be in that directory when you log on. Check anyway.
    • Initial Local Directory: Should be the directory on your computer that contains the webpages or files you wish to upload.

    Once you have everything filled out, make sure that the "Save Password" checkbox is checked. Your screen should look something like the above picture.

    Connect to the Internet and then click "OK". to begin the file transfer session.

    Proceed to the next step.

  Step 1  Step 3   Archives Specific