These notes are from the Order Book of the County Court, which contains the entries of the proceedings of the Court at its daily sittings during the terms. The terms were held monthly. The reference is in each case to the Book in which the order noted is contained, the date of the order and the page of the Book where it will be found.
Page 12
(1) County Court formed--First Justices: James
Patton, John Buchanan, Peter Scholl, Robert Campbell, Robert
Poage, Thomas Lewis, Robert Cunningham, Richard Woods, Robert
Craven, Adam Dickinson, John Anderson, John Lewis, George
Robinson, James Bell, John Brown, John Pickens, Hugh Thomson,
John Finla, John Christian, James Kerr, Andrew Pickens.
(1) James Patton qualified Sheriff. William Thompson
(2) John Madison qualified Clerk.
(2) John Buchanan and Henry Downs qualified Deputy
(2) William Russell, James Porteus, Gabriel Jones,
John Quinn, and Thomas Chew qualified Attorneys.
(2) Thomas Lewis qualified Surveyor.
(3) Sheriff ordered to summon guard to keep prisoners
and to provide shackels, bolts, handcuffs and fetters of iron.
(3) Prison to be built and C. H. repaired.
(3) Mathew Edmondson, James Carter and John Finla to
open a road from Andrew Hamilton's in calf-pasture thro' Jennings
Gap to John Finla's.
(3) James Trimble to be Deputy Surveyor.
(3) Gideon Marr qualified Attorney.
(4) James Lesley appointed Constable vice William
Baskins in Geo. Anderson's Co.
(4) Daniel Dennison appointed Overseer Road vice John
Pickens.--Bridges to be repaired.
(4) William Right appointed Constable vice David
Edmondson in Saml. Gay's Co.
(4) John Rusk--Constable vice Andrew Pickens Cap.
Wilson's Co.
(4) Motion Margaret Lundey, Robert Craven and John
Stinson appd. guardians of Thomas and John Leviston, orphans of
Robert Leviston.
(4) Thos. Harrison., Wm. Williams, Jeremiah Harrison,
Hugh Douglass--appraisers of Ro. Levenson.
(4) Robert Young---Constable---vice John Kerr in
Richard Woods's Co.
(4) James Greenlee--Constable--vice William Moore in
Benj. Borden's Co.
(5) Samuel Wilkins--Ordinary License
at his house. Thomas Story surety.
(5) Petn. Samuel Wallace--Road ordered from William
King's to the C. H., thence to Samuel Gay's.--Wm. King, Morrice
Ofrield and John Trimble to lay off 1st part.--Wm. Hutcheson and
James Trimble, the residue.
Page 13
(5) John Grymes--Overseer Road in calf-pasture (vid
p. 3 supra) on other side the Ridge and Ro. Armstrong, this side.
(5) John Hawkins and Henry Downs--Under Sheriffs
(5) Daniel Griffeths committed by James Kerr for
stealing a horse from Edward Franklin of Orange, acquitted.
(6) John Newport, Timothy Holdway and Ro. Looney to
value improvements of Christian Zimmerman on 400 acres.
(6) Wm. Linwell committed and fined for being drunk.
(6) Andrew McCord bound to peace towards James
(6) David Davis--to show cause against paying William
Morrison freedom dues.
(7) John Newport and Obadiah Merriot quald.
(7) Benjn. Pendleton qualified
(7) Ann Jenney Usher chose James Knox guardian.
(7) Daniel McAnaire and Hannah ackd. deed to Gardner.
(7) Same as above to James Trimble.
(7) John Nichols and Wm. Wright quald. Attorneys.
(8) James McCune ordered to be committed for speaking
treasonable words.
(8) Wm. Henderson, Wm. Long, James Alexander, Jno.
Black to appraise Ro. Wilson's estate.
(8) Wm. Pierce and Adam Miller to view a road from
top Blue Ridge at head Swift Run to Cap. Down's place, formerly
Alexander Thomson's.
(8) Wm. Smith and Ro. Gay--Overseers Road from David
Davis Mill to top mountain above Wm. King's.
(8) Daniel Holdman and Saml. Wilkins--same from Benj.
Allen's mill to North River.
(8) Wm. Magill and Thos. Stinson--same from North
River to John Anderson's.
(8) John Anderson and Andrew Lewis, same from
Anderson's to C. H.
(9) James Clerk spec. bail for Saml. McGaw.
(10) Silas Hart spec. bail for Robt. Renix.
(11) John Carre (Kerr) spec. bail for Hugh Martin.
(11) James Biggs, Philip Jones, Thomas Moore,
(12) John and David Harry, Ro. Crockett and John Boil
(a miller) garnishees.
(13) Robert McClenachan--Ordinary
license at Co. Ho. David Stewart, Sty.
(13) John Hutchison--same.
(13) Andrew Pickens, Peter Scholl, Richard Woods
recommended coroners--and Pickens to act until appt.
(13) Wm. Thomson, security for Alexr. Thomson.
(14) Enis Young, security for James Davis.
Page 14
(14) Wm. McCandless security for Ro. Galloway.
(15) Robert Seyers security for John Patterson.
(15) Moses McClure vs. George Hall--Judgt. for Deft.,
suit "dismist and the bill sued on be damned and shall not
be given out of this office."
(16) Robert Cunningham fined 5 sh. for being drunk.
(16) William Morrison to have his freedom dues paid
out of the attached estate of David Davis.
(16) Andrew Pickens--Admr. Joseph Martin--and John
Trimble, Wm. McFeters, Saml. Wallace and John Brown, Appraisers.
(17) Thomas McCullogh--Ordinary license--his house.
(17) Attorney interrupting another or speaking when
not employed forfeits 5 sh.
(17) William Smith fined 5 sh.--being drunk.
(17) For Proof Public Claims and Propositions and
(17) Claim Richard Woods--Losses by Indians.
(17) Claim John Mathews--Losses by Indians.
(17) Claim Henry Kirkham--Losses by Indians.
(17) Claim William Henderson--for assisting of. with
arms and ammunition.
(17) Claim David Edmondson--
(18) Claim Benj. Borden and Magdalen, Admx. John
McDowell--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Francis McCown--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim John Buchanan and others--for patrolling.
(18) Claim Joseph Lapsley--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Mary Doughert--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Patrick Martin--taking up a slave,
property of Dr. Hopkins.
(18) Claim Andrew Myrtin--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Isaac Anderson--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Joseph Coulton--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim John Walker--Losses by Indians.
(18) Claim Dominick Berrall--Losses by Indians.
(38) Claim Jno. Wilson et als--patrolling.
(19) Claim James Walker--Losses by Indians.
(19) Claim Thos. Black et als--patrolling.
(19) David Edmondson makes oath the men mentioned in
his list were pressed by him and served the time mentioned.
(19) Ordinary Rates Regulated.
(20) Mark Evans, William Kervine, John McFarron,
James McGomerie appd. Overseers of Road Blazed by Orange Co. from
inhabitants of Roanoke to top Blue Ridge at bounds of Brunswick
Co. and Cap. Robinson and John Mills are to lay off precincts and
(20) James Patton, John Lewis, John Pickens, Recd.
Page 15
(20) Nathan McClure--Constable--vice Wm. Moore,
Burden's Co.
(20) Wm. Kervine--Constable--vice Simon Acres--Geo.
Robinson's Co.
(20) Thos. Gardner committed for disturbing John
Buchanan in his office.
(20) John Graham and James McGaw--same as to John
(20) Thos. Scot--continued Overseer from Top of Ridge
to Alexr. Thomson's.
(20) Andrew McCord discharged from recognizance--Br.
(21) Ephraim McDowell committed to answer Roger Keys.
(21) Abraham Strickler's widow refuses to
administer--Jeremiah Sutton, Randolph Mack, John Spittler and
Paul Lung, Appraisers.
(22) John King dismissed from complaint Peter
Sholl--John not being a legal constable.
(22) Robert Scot qualified Captain of foot.
(22) Wm. Finley qualified Captain of foot.
(22) Robert Craven--Ordinary License.
(23) Thomas Moffet's petn. to be levy
(23) Andrew McNabb--child sworn to by Martha Allison.
(23) William Thomson--Spec. Bail for Alexr. Thomson.
(23) John King--garnishee.
(24) John Nicholas, Depy. Atty. having refused to
officiate Gabriel Jones recommended.
(24) Elizabeth, wife of Robert Poage--deed to Robert
(24) Margaret, wife John Lewis--deed to James
(25) John Graham--special bail for Saml. McGaw.
(26) Petn. Margaret Lundey--her clothes and goods
taken by David Logan Constable on attacht. vs her decd. husband
Thomas Lundey at suit of Daniel Harriss, be returned.
(28) Mary Perry to be bound to Wm. Thompson until she
is 18.
(28) Clerk to have presses for Records made.
(29) Geo. Cathey vs John Ouin--Pl. nonsuited and
makes oath that he never employed Thos. Chew to bring suit and
Judgt. vs. Thos. for costs.
(31) John Harrison Spec. bail for Saml. McGaw.
(31) Petition John Risk for a road--Rejected.
(32) Carr vs. Smith -- £4 Penna. Curcy.== £3 Cur.
Money, Va.
(33) Erwin Patterson--appd. Constable on Roanoke near
the Great Lick.
(33) John Robinson--same on Fork of Roanoke.
(33) James Hervey (or Hewey)--same on James River.
(33) William Scott--appd. Constable on Cutabough
Page 16
(33) Christopher Zimmerman--valuation of improvements
returned and John Newport having made oath that it had not been
before valued, recorded.
(35) Charles Berry, surety for John Pattison.
(35) Isaac Anderson, surety for Saml. Davis &
Edw. Boyle.
(35) Erwin Patterson, sp. Bail for James Greenlee.
(36) Borden vs. Isaac Anderson--Ejectment--350 acres.
vs. John McPharron-Ejectment--319 acres.
(36) Alexander vs. McClure--Plt. produced deft's.
bill with endorsement, which was read out by James Patton without
the Court's orders--Gabriel Jones ordered to indict him--and suit
is dismissed.
(37) Mathew Mitchell--garnishee--also Jane
Burnett--Joseph Reid and Andrew Russell--£15, 2, 7 Penna.==£11,
6, 11 Current money.
(37) William Morrisons freedom dues--£3, 10 Current
(42) Sam'l Lockhart and Wm. Linwell--garnishees.
(42) Wm. Thompson vs. Saml. Lockhart--Ejectt.--400
(42) Silas Hart, John Mathews, Charles Burk, Benj.
Borden, John Ruddle, Joseph Lapsley, Ebenezer Westcoat, and James
Montgomerie recomd. Justices.
(43) Thomas Black--appd. Constable. Cap.
Christian's Co.
(43) Gabriel Jones--quald. Depy. Attorney.
(43) William White, William James. Wm. Carroll,
Morgan Briant--Appraisers John Dobikin's Estate.
(43) A grand jury sworn were immediately dismissed
because 25 were sworn.
(43) Alexander vs. McClure--Thomas Chew asks
permission to withdraw the bill in order to bring suit which is
denied until the charge vs. Col. Patton is tried. Judt. in this
case, page 184 infra 20 March, 1746--Look it up.
(43) Abraham Job-appd. Constable at Masaunting.
(43) William Taylor appd. Constable fr. Benj. Allen's
to lower end of Co.
(43) James Robinson--appd. Constable fr. Linville's
Cr. to North Gap.
(44) William Carroll appd. Constable fr. Smith's Cr.
to Cap. Allens and Cap. Dobins's bounds.
(44) Adam Miller--same on North River and below
Peaked Mount.
(44) James Hogshead--same at North Mountain.
(44) Saml. Stuart--same Head Linville's Creek.
(44) Wm. Guy--same Calfpasture.
(44) Michl. O'Dugherty--same Capt. Woods's Co.
(44) Robert Young--same vice John Risk.
(44) Charles Hayes--same vice James Trimble.
(44) John Lynn--same vice George Colville.
(44) John Preston proved his importation; Elizabeth,
his wife; William, his son; Lettice, Margaret and Anne, his
daughters, immediately from Ireland into this Colony.
Page 17
(44) Simon Acres appd. Roadoverseer Vice Wm. Kerwin.
(45) Jost Hite vs. Thomas Linville.
(45) Nicholas Brock summoned on complaint of Val.
(45) Robert Armstrong appd. Overseer Road from
Jenning's Gap to Daniel McAnaires--thence to John Finla's
Cooper--thence to the Court House--all tithables within 4 miles
on each side to work the road.
(45) Joseph Russell and John Smith make
affidavit--Roger Mallory's account not sworn to.
(45) Road ordered from the Great Lick in the
cowpasture at Col. Lewis's land to Andrew Hamiltons in
calfpasture. Andrew and George Lewis Comrs. to mark it off.
(45) Robert Gwin appd. Constable at head of Great
(45) George Anderson appointed Constable South River
vice David Logan.
(45) Robert Kirkham quald. Admr. Michael Kerkham.
(46) Richard Woods, Joseph Lapsley, Henry Kerkham and
Peter Wallace--appraisers.
(46) Edward Boyle sentenced to stocks and fined for
damning the Court and swearing 4 oaths in their presence.
(46) Henry Downs, under sheriff, ordered to get a
house for a jail.
(46) Wm. Lusk's petition for turning the road around
his place is granted.
(47) William Wright appd. Constable vice David
(47) Thomas Lackey appd. Road Overseer vice James
Gill from North River where James Gill dwelt to the South River.
(47) Adjourned till 3d Wednesday in June according to
late Act of Assembly for altering the same.
(47) Gabriel Jones qualified Attorney.
(48) James Hogshead, Thomas Black, William Wright,
William Guy, Robert Gwin, Charles Hays, George Anderson, Adam
Miller, James Robinson, Thomas McCulloch, appd. Constables last
Court qualified.
(48) Order for securing prisoners at last Court
(48) James and John McCune, on testimony of John Risk
and James Lockhart, committed for having spoken treasonable
(48) Margaret McCowen's privy Exn. (wife of Francis?)
(49) Robert Young qualified Constable.
(49) Elianor Roork, servant of Mathias Seltzer--run
(49) William Brock to be bound to Valentine Sevear.
(49) James Porteus--certified that he is a man of
probity, honesty, diligence, good demeanor and a fair
practitioner in order to be "examined according to
(49) Daniel Richeson, Michael Stump and Benj. Hardin,
to view road petition of Richard Crunk.
Page 18
(49) John Wilson--leave to build water grist mill.
(49) Morrice Offield, John Trimble and Wm. King to
make remainder of the road from top of North Mountain to said
King's and thence to Co. Ho.
(50) Aaron Jackson--above 14--chose Wm. Hutcheson
his guardian.
(50) Commission to Orange for privy examination of
Elinor, wife of Robert Green.
(51) Same as to Margaret, wife of Robert McKay.
(51) Henry Spears and Mathias Seltzer appointed road
overseers over road from Thorn's Gap from South River to county
(51) Wm. King--permission to dig a race thro' John
Trimbles land to his mill.
(52) James Biggs, Philip Jones, Thomas Moore,
(53) Samuel Wilkins vs. Robert Scott--First Jury.
(55) William White, witness.
(63) Thos. Cresap vs Jno. Johnston } One John
Johnston appeared and on oath declared that he was not the person
indebted and non suit.
(64) £2, 13, 4 Proclamation Money==40 sh. Current
(65) William Miller, an idle vagrant person and a man
of loose behavior--with George Hall, surety-bond.
(66) Order to summon Robert Young for bringing a
woman into the County who is likely to be chargeable to the
Parish, renewed.
(67) Cap. John and Jonas Denton--overseers from
County line
(68) to Stoney Creek, and Griffith Thomas and John
Ruddle, Sr., from said Creek to the new road.
(68) Alexr. Herrin--overseer from Robt. Cravens to
Saml. Wilkins's, and Thomas and Jeremiah Harrison from Craven's
to the Indian Road--Cap. Scholl to lay off the precincts.
(68) New Court--Commission dated 13 June, 1746:
James Patton, George Robinson, Robert Cunningham, James
Montgomery, Wm. Jameson, Saml. Gay, John Lewis, Peter Scholl,
John Wilson, Silas Hart, Richard Burton, Wm. Thompson, John
Buchanan, James Bell, Thomas Lewis, Henry Downs, John Christian.
(69) Henry Downs to be Sheriff and qualified, and
John Hawkins and Henry Downs, Jr., qualified Under Sheriffs.
(69) Commission to prepare a deed from Beverley for
25 acres according to an order of Council.
(69) Wm. Woods, Thos. Williams, Michael Finey,
appointed Constables in Fork of James River.
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