(1) Examination of Judith Ryley for murder of her
bastard child. Convicted and sent to General Court.
(2) Commission for examination of Rachel, wife of
George Poage.
(2) Charles Campbell and Charles Campbell appraisers.
(2) Jane, wife of Moses McCown, decd., qualifies
(4) Thos. Woddell and 545 acres added to tithables.
John Buchanan and two others and 513 acres added to tithables.
Alexander and John Walker and 359 acres added to tithables.
(5) John Eaken and 522 acres added to tithables.
(6) Thomas Lorimer qualifies administrator of his
deceased brother, John Lorimer. James Sayers refused to qualify
executor of Samuel Wallace.
(7) Mary, wife of Robert Buchanan, private
examination commission.
(8) Catherine, wife of Jeremiah Harrison, priv.
examination commission.
(8) Jacob Harper, Alexr. Painter, John Seller,
Augustine Price, Jacob Parsenger, Henry Lung and Michael
Neese--Naturalized. { The order says they qualified justices!
(8) Mary, wife of John Maxwell, private examination
(8) Mary, wife of Nathaniel Evans, private
examination commission.
(9) John McKnight, orphan, to be bound to James
(9) Margaret, wife of Alexr. Hamilton, priv.
examination commission.
(10) Action by David Sayers against Robert Sayers, an
infant, son and devisee of Robert Sayers, deceased.
(10) ---- ----, the wife of Peter Cockran, priv. exn.
(12) Handley vs. Thomas Kelley } Walter Cunningham,
garnishee, states that if defendant's pay as a soldier comes into
his hands he will have £8.
(12) 220 acres of Hugh Lusk added to tithables.
(14) Bowman vs. John Benson and Margaret } Dedimus to
take deposition of Isaac Johnston a witness, about to remove to
Page 124
(15) George Skillern appointed guardian to John Wall,
infant orphan of ---- Wall, deceased.
(15) Francis Gardner's motion to be appointed
guardian of the orphans of Thomas Gardner rejected.
(16) William McCamey and one other and 190 acres
added to tithables. Thomas Kilpatrick and one other and 300 acres
added to tithables. John Maxwell and one other and 200 acres
added to tithables. James Campbell added to tithables. Wm.
McElhenny and 400 acres added to tithables. Henry Bowen and 323
acres added to tithilbles. Audley Paul and one other and 350
acres added to tithables. Benj. Watson and 170 acres added to
(17) Robert Lowrey and 208 acres added to tithables.
(18) Bondy Estill--juror.
(18) Cowdon vs. Robert Lynn.--Same order as page 12
(19) John Allford added to tithables.
(21) John McClenachan and one other added to
(21) Mary. wife of Saml. McDowell, privy exn.
(23) Thomas Barker convicted of larceny--39 lashes.
(24) Andrew Hays vs. John Moore } Dedimus to take
deposition of Jane Hays, about to remove to Carolina.
(24) Margaret Looney, orphan of Daniel Looney--David
Looney appd. guardian.
(29) Samuel Peggs--juror.
(32) Joel and John Crenshaw of Hanover--witnesses.
(32) David Crenshaw of King William--witness.
(34) John Cramey--juror.
(34) James Hill added to tithables. Wm. Bowyer and
one other added to tithables. Andrew Johnston added to tithables.
(37) Wilson vs. John Hutchison, Jr.--John Hutchison,
Sr., witness.
(40) John Greenlee appointed surveyor of highway from
John Mathews, Jr., deceased, to Sinclair's Gap. Thomas
McFarron appointed surveyor Catawlo to Pedlar's Ford.
(44) Mary Clark vs. John Stewart and Thomas Fulton }
Abates by marriage of plaintiff.
(45) George Poage appointed surveyor of highway from
the Pedlar Ford, on James River, eight miles up. William Gallespy
appointed surveyor from eight miles above Pedlar Ford to Capt.
Dickinson's. John Potts appointed surveyor from mouth of Pott's
(46) The King vs. John Bowyer } On an indictment for
beating and abusing Israel Christian, a magistrate in the
execution of his office. The defendant waives his former plea
because he will not contend with our Lord the King.--Convicted
and fined.
Page 125
(47) John Henderson added to tithables.
(55) Moses Hurt returned no inhabitant. Moses
Evans returned no inhabitant. Henry Hendrix returned no
(58) John Hays returned not found in bailiwick.
(69) Richard Doghead returned lives in Bedford
(72) William Wilson returned no inhabitant.
(77) Mathew Emacks returned lives in Bedford.
(78) Nicholas Seaborn, Jr. vs. John Ray } Abates by
death of defendant.
(88) George Anderson returned not found in bailiwick.
(89) William and Thomas Crow and three others added
to tithables.
(90) £60, 9, 4, Penna. money = Same in Va. money.
(94) Many suits versus Saml. Cowdon.--Did he fail?
(101) John Blagg, gent., imprisoned for debt.
(102) John Blagg--juror.
(104) Elizabeth Gray, servant of Rob. McClenachan.
(111) Levy Smith--Sheriff returned could not find.
(112) Wm. McNaught, returned not in this County.
(112) Woods vs. Andrew Cowan, Jr. } "The Sheriff
having returned that the second time it came to my hand, I tell
as before, he is out of the County."
(113) Martha Hassell, servant of Andrew Greer.
(132) Findley vs. Moses Hamilton.--Abates by death of
(133) John Nash, returned not found in bailiwick.
(134) Findley vs. Jacob Dodson.--Sheriff returned he
did not know the defendant.
(134) Same vs. Ann Kelly --Same return.
(135) James Findley, admr. of Robert Findley, vs.
Shannon, admr. of Young. } John Stewart makes affidavit that the
acct. is a true copy from plaintiff's books. (And the same in
many suits.)
(135) Same vs. ---- Carson.--Returned no inhabitant.
(136) Same vs. Sarah Robinson.--Could not find
(136) George Pearis, returned no inhabitant.
(142) John Harmon to be bound to John Armstrong.
(143) County levy. To Robert Campbell, for a screed
for the use of the County, £3, 10, 0.
(145) John Blagg, witness from Westmoreland County,
150 miles.
(147) Road ordered changed around the hill at Fort
Page 126
(148) Daniel McAnare misbehaved by appearing in Court
drunk and giving Gabriel Jones, gent., Dcputy Attorney for the
King, the lie, and likewise insulting the Court.
(149) Called Court on John Thompson and Margaret,
his wife, for larceny.--Convicted and sent to Grand Jury.
(151) Margaret Clark qualified admx. of husband.
Wm. Clark.
(152) Charles Campbell (Borden's land) appointed
(153) Stephen Arnold imprisoned for debt.
(154) James Cloyd appointed surveyor from lower end
of John Bowyer's plantation of James River by Cedar Bridge to
Mathew's Road, to work these tithables: Of Christopher Vineyard,
John and Wm. Hall, John Logan, James Skidmore, Geo. Wilson, John
Berry, John Jones, James McClure, Mathew Hair, John Bowyer,
George Skillern and Conrad Wall.
(158) Erwin vs. John Henderson.--Abates by death of
(161) Margaret Thompson (see page 149 above),
(162) Four wooden noggins attached, also one iron
candlestick, one Dutch blanket, one hand towel.
(169) Wm. Winston, Jr., Israel Christian, gent.,
admr. of Alexr. Sayers and Walter Buchanan.--Abates by death of
defendant (Buchanan?).
(171) Andrew Erwin vs. John Burnsides.--Abates by
death of plaintiff.
(177) Attached--2 iron crooks, 6 spoons, 3
candlesticks, 2 funnels, 1washing tub, 1 cooler, 1 tin saucepan,
1 tea kettle.
(184) Samuel Caldwell returned no inhabitant.
(188) Christian, admr. Sayers, vs. Joseph
Donaldson.--Abates by death of defendant.
(190) James Wiley and Martha, to Alexr. Noble,
partially proved and certified.
(191) George Mathews qualified Captain of Militia.
(191) Michael Valentine and Henry Trout, orphan of
Nicholas Trout, to be bound out.
(192) William Martin qualified admr. of father, Hugh
Martin. Dawson Wade, appraiser.
(194) Virginia ale, bottled, to be sold at 6 pence
per quart.
(194) Patrick Henry, Jr., qualified Attorney.
(194) Mary Owler qualified admx. of husband. Wm.
Owler. John Felts, Michael Cogar, Woolrick Horshman, and Jacob
Shell, appraisers of Owler estate.
Page 127
(196) Thomas Hicklin, Sr., exempted from levy by
reason of great age and infirmity.
(197) Stephen Trigg and Wm. Simpson, greatest
creditors, qualified administrators of Henry Fields. William and
Edward Cowen, appraisers.
(200) David Harmon summoned for not bringing up his
children in a Christianlike manner.
(200) Thomas Wright, servant of John Hanna.
(204) Robert Kinkead and Anna Helena, his wife.
(204) Israel Christian and Andrew Miller qualified
administrators of John Miller.
(205) David Wilson, son of William Wilson, formerly
bound to Andrew Erwin, deceased, to be bound to Francis Erwin,
Jr., heir-at-law and executor of said Andrew, he teaching him the
trade of a shoemaker. Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Wm. Wilson,
to be bound to Francis Erwin, Jr.
(206) Saml. McClure, security for Mary McClure, admx.
of husband, Nathaniel McClure, asks counter security.
(206) Rosanna Marlen complains that Maurice O'Friel
and Robert Wallace detain her children, viz: James, Sarah and
Margaret Ralston.
(207) Michael Riney exempted from levy--age and
infirmity. Henry Hicks, same.
(209) Audley Paul vs. Saml. Stalnaker } Judgment on a
judgment obtained in Hampshire County.
(213) Betty Smith, Nicholas Smith, Johnny Smith, John
Yates and David Yates to be bound out.
(213) Samuel Glass and 236 acres added to tithables.
(214) Thomas Madison awarded certificate of probity,
&c., for applying for license to practice law.
(215) Andrew Hall, late of this County, deceased,
possessed of a small estate, and Sheriff ordered to sell it.
(215) Edward Faires vs. James Bryans. } A second
James Bryans appeared and claimed the property, and it is
adjudged his and not defendant's.
(216) Christopher Best and Hugh Galbreath, witnesses.
(216) A paper endorsed by Alexr. Boyd, deceased, as a
true copy of his will, and is adjudged by the Court not to be the
original, and Andrew Boyd qualifies administrator.
(217) George Birdwell--juror.
(221) Andrew Kline committed to debtor's prison. Many
suits against him. Was it customary for prisoners for debt to act
as jurors? See supra.
(224) John Graham committed to the stocks for
one-half hour for contempt and bound to peace towards James
(224) Joseph McBride, aged 19, orphan of Thomas
McBride, chose Wm. McBride his guardian.
Page 128
(226) Ordered that Gabriel Jones prosecute John
Graham on the recognizance this day entered into.
(227) Above order (page 226) vacated.
(227) Michael Harper vs. Robt. Duffield.--Abates by
death of plaintiff.
(228) Commission for deposition of Lovice Looney.
(230) Joseph Donaldson, deceased, possessed of very
small estate. Sheriff ordered to sell.
(231) David Graham was arrested for contempt, but
made his escape before judgment. Now rearrested and bound over.
(232) Jacob Campbell, one other and 317 acres, added
to tithables.
(233) Davis Harrison appointed road surveyor.
(Adjourned until tomorrow, but no heading follows, but records continue.)
(234) Adam Dunlap, Ezekiel Evans--jurors.
(237) David Cloyd vs. James Montgomery } Agreed case.
Indians rifled plaintiff's house. Militia recovered property and
divided it, &c.
(239) Viewers for a road from Edward Erwin's to the
Market Road that leads to Swift Run.
(240) Michael Bornet, a mulatto, to be bound.
(242) John Skelton vs. John Miller.--Abates by
death of defendant.
(245) John Forish impnsoned for debt.
(249) Uriah Akers, returned could not find.
(249) Alexr. Boyd's death abates suit.
(275) James Campbell (Calf Pasture).
(284) James Walker vs. David Via.--Abates by death of
(290) Road to be viewed from North Branch of James,
round the Poplar Hills to Buffalo Creek.
(291) Francis Gardner and Thomas Bradshaw, securities
for Rebecca Gardner, admx. of husband, Thomas Gardner, since
intermarried with Robert Brown, demand counter security.
(298) Nathaniel Dunlap, returned no inhabitant. John
Leahe, returned "could not find."
(302) George Buff, returned no inhabitant.
(309) Thomas Smith, a witness from Amherst.
(311) John Love, orphan of Joseph Love, decd., to be
bound to Joseph Love, Fuller.
(316) Joseph Goodbon, witness from Amherst, 27 miles.
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