(87) John Robinson and John Henderson appointed
highway surveyors from head of North Fork of Roanoke to Capt.
John Robinson's Mill.
(87) Anthony Crockett, orphan, to be bound to Saml.
(88) Abraham Goodbath and John Sutton to be bound.
(88) Isaac Robinson appointed road overseer, vice
Mathias Rider.
(88) Wm. Dye, aged 14 years the 29th of April last,
orphan of David Dye to be bound to Saml. McKee.
(88) George Carpenter appointed surveyor of of
highway, vice James Brinster.
(91) George Eager bound over as an idle vagrant
person. Dudley Boyl bound over as an idle vagrant person.
(92) Jacob Persinger appointed surveyor of highway,
vice Ludk. Francisco.
(93) George McCown appointed surveyor of highway,
vice Thos. Vance.
(100) Dennis Kelly and John Crasey--jurors.
(102) John Cowarden, Saml Maggott, John
(118) Robert Maxwell--witness from Hampshire--80
(121) George Malcolm, returned no inhabitant.
(131) James Harris, returned no inhabitant.
(136) Hugh Hamilton vs. Felix Gilbert } It appears
that defendant (?) is not an inhabitant of this County; suit to
be dismissed unless defendant appear and give security for cost.
(138) John Davis (Hunter), security for John and
Charles Allison.
(152) McCaul versus Phillip Barrier.
(154) James Shaw--no inhabitant.
(155) Grindstone--attached.
(165) Jacob Hite, gent., returned no inhabitant.
(169) John Graham (Christian's Creek), security.
(174) Wm. Brown and Robt. Rodgers, sureties.
(177) John Warwick and John Davis (Hunter), sureties.
(179) John Stewart vs. James Lockhart.--Plaintiff not
an inhabitant of this Colony.
(197) Julius Webb, returned not found in bailiwick.
(202) John Etten, returned no inhabitant.
(207) Francis Beaty vs. John Cavin and David McCaveis
} John Cavin not found.
(208) Elizabeth Bryan, executrix of David Bryan,
demands counter security from Rhoda Doggett, late Rhoda Evans,
admx. of late husband, Daniel Evans, and lately married to
Richard Doggett.
Page 135
(210) Mary Renolds, aged 16, orphan of James Renolds,
chose Nathaniel Evans guardian.
(211-212) The following produced certificates for
hemp: Alexr. Gibson, Francis Brown, Thos. Paxton, Saml. Newberry,
Saml. Henderson, Nichs. Sollace, Edward Sharp, Henry Larkin,
Alexr. Walker, John White, John Black, James Trimble, Saml.
Downey, Walter Cunningham, Moses Trimble, James McClung, John
McClure, Halbert McClure, Joseph Long, David Campbell, James
Walker, Joseph Lapsley, Israel Christian, Henry Lung, Jonan.
Whitley, John McElwroth.
(213) The following produced certificates for hemp:
Hugh Miller, James Craig, James Montgomery, Wm. Male, James
Lawrence, Thos. Wilson, John Hall, Pat. Miller, James Patterson,
Robt. Frazier, Saml. Buckanon, John Hays, Jr.
(114) The following produced certificates for hemp:
James Stewart, Saml. Cartmill.
(114) John Price, indented servant, imported from
Great Britain, binds himself to Joseph Ray for 4 years, to be
taught to be a carpenter and joiner.
(215) Ro. Allen appointed surveyor of highway, vice
Isaac White. Ro. Gragg appointed surveyor of highway from Duck
Ponds to Middle River. Wm. Patton appointed Constable, vice Wm.
(215) Margaret, wife of John Buckanon, relinquishes
dower to Saml. Bradford.
(216) Thos. Walker and Mildred to Andrew
Lewis.--Comn. for Mildred.
(216) James Cloyd qualified administrator of John
Cloyd, his brother.
(216) John Casaty to be summoned to show cause why he
does not qualify on estate of father, Neil Casaty.
(216) James Casaty to be bound to Michael Kirkham.
Patrick Casaty to be bound to Wm. McBride.
(216) Saml. Scott, aged 18 years, orphan of Saml.
Scott, decd., chose Skidmore Mousey guardian.
(217) Jane Erwin, having been heretofore presented
for keeping a disorderly house and having been tried and adjudged
to pay a fine which has been collected, it appears she had no
notice and she is recommended to Governor for pardon.
(217) Saml. Henderson appointed surveyor of highway
from John Madison's to Givens's Mill.--Tithables from James
Craig's up Middle River to James Givens and on South River from
William Patterson's to Christian Clemons. John Madison appointed
surveyor of highway from his house to Jones's Ford, tithables on
Middle River from James Craig's downwards, and on South River
from William Patterson's downwards, and as low as said Madison's.
Andrew Fought appointed surveyor of highway, vice Archd. Huston.
(218) John Anderson and Wm. Ralston appointed
surveyors of highway, vice Robert Gregg, from the Duck Ponds to
Middle River.
(218) John Grenby bound to peace towards Susanna
(218) Priv. examination of Lettice Breckinridge, wife
of Robt. Breckinridge, to land sold by Robert to Stephen Loy.
Page 136
(219) John Robinson appointed surveyor of highway
from his mill by the Den to the County Road leading to Warwick.
(219) Deed from Richard Stanton and Cloraty, his
wife, to Wm. Herbert, partly proved. John White (Borden's Land)
exempted from levy--great age and infirmity.
(219) George Adams appd. Constable, vice Wm.
(220) Sarah Young, aged 16, and James Young, aged 15,
orphans of Patrick Young, chose Saml. Todd guardian, and same was
appointed guardian of Jennet and Elce Young, orphans of Patrick.
(220) John Beard and James Sayers, Jr., appointed
surveyors of highway, vice Robert Armstrong.
(220) Deed John Adams and Elizabeth to Andrew Woods,
partly proved.
(220) Hugh Allen appointed surveyor of highway from
James Given's Mill, by his house, to Stone Meeting House, and the
following to work the road: Saml. Hinds, Robt. Stevenson, Wm.
Kerr, John Stewart, John Campbell, James Allen, John Anderson,
Hugh Allen, William McClure, James Allen, Saml. Bell, Andrew
Lockhart, John Burnside, Saml. McKee, James Searight, Thos.
(221) John Cartmill and John Cartmill,
(222) Following produced certificates for hemp: John
Boiler, Wm. Bondes and Sampn. Christian.
(224) Andrew Fitzpatrick vs. John Jones } Following
articles attached: One old saddle, 1 fine shirt and stock, 2
coarse shirts, 2 pr. Old drawers, 7 fawn skins, 2 skirts of a
(224) Robert Hall and Isabella, late Isabella Ramsey,
ruled to give John Bigham counter security as surety for their
administration of her husband's (Robert Ramsey's) estate.
(225) Aaron Hughes appointed surveyor of highway,
vice John Phillips.
(225) Deed Daniel O'Hona to Rev. Alexr. Miller,
Master of Arts.--Comn. for priv. examination of Elizabeth, wife
of Daniel.
(225) John Skidmore qualified Captain of Militia.
(227) Many attachments versus John Pearis.
(229) John McElhenny, imprisoned for debt.
(230) Overseers of roads appointed: Thos. Hicklin,
Jr., vice John Estill; John Dailey, from North to South River;
Walter Smiley, vice Wm. Kennedy.
(232) Joseph Love--certificate of hemp.
(233) Wm. Christian, John Handley, James McKain, John
Archer, Zachh. Johnston and John Hunter--certificates of hemp.
(235) Anthony Fewell, run away servant of Wm.
(236) Joseph Hyde's mark recorded--a swallow fork in
the right and an underkill in the left.
Page 137
(236) John Ely, James Mitchell, George Weer, James
(237) Richd. Lawson, run away servant of James
McKain. Richd. Bookin, Jr.,-witness.
(238) Certificates for hemp: John Bowyer, John
(239) Charles Campbell, Wm. Findley, Mathew
Patton--certificates for hemp.
(239) Witnesses: John Murray, John Thompson.
(239) James Watson to be levy free, age and
(239) Joseph McMurty and George McAfe to view a way
from McMurty's Mill, through McAfee's Gap, to the Wagon Road.
(289) James McAfee, Sr., and Bryan McDonald appointed
surveyors of highway from Fort Williams to head of Catawbo.
(239) Surveyors of highways appointed: Patrick
Shirley and Wm. Watkins, from James Montgomery's at Catawbo to
the side of Craig's Creek Mountain where John Potts quit
clearing; James Cloyd, vice Wm. Preston, from Graham's Clearing
to James Johnston's; Saml. McRoberts, from James Johnson's to
Josiah Ramsey's cabin, vice William Preston.
(240) Michael Cloyd, from his house to the branch
below James Moore, Sr.; Henry Dooley and John Thompson, to view
road from the Welshman's Run to the Bedford Line; Israel
Christian, from the Great Lick to Graham's Clearing, vice Wm.
(240) Anthony Bledsoe has leave to build a mill at
Fort Chiswell.
(241) Road to be viewed (both old and a new one) from
McClenachan's Mill to William Haldman's.
(241) Robert Thompson appointed surveyor of highway,
vice Alexander Thompson. Henry Heffman (Keffman), same, vice
Charles Willson.
(244) Mary Bredley, alias Scott, not to be bound by
Church Wardens, but to remain in hands of James Laughlin, who is
to be summoned.
(244) Witnesses: Patrick Frazier.
(245) John Frazier, Wm. Beard, Geo. Carpenter, Jr.,
Randall Lockhart, Catherine Shirley.
(245) Accounts of Wm. Simpson and Elizabeth, his
wife, late Elizabeth Campbell, admx. of Malcolm Campbell.
(247) Witnesses: Robert Armstrong, John Willson,
Moses Collier.
(248) John Sproul.
(248) Certificates of hemp: Alexr. Telford, Wm.
McFeeters, Jr.
(248) David Roberts to be bound out.
(248) Randall Lockhart in custody for debt.
(250) Witnesses: John Bunchanon, Dennis Getty.
(250) Jurors: John Seviar, William Foster, James
Gilmore, John Weer, John Weer.
(250) Witnesses: Thomas Kennerley, David Bell, Adam
Dean, Robert Allen.
Page 138
Silas Hart, gent., late High Sheriff of
Augusta, vs. Randal Lockhart, Sampson Mathews, John Brown, Felix
Gilbert, Hugh Young, John Stewart, and Andrew Lewis and George
Mathews, admrs. of David Stewart, decd. } Randal delivered up in
custody of Sheriff.
(252) Jurors: Wm. Hinds, Jr., Robert Allen, Jr.
(252) Surveyors of highway appointed: Francis Erwin,
Jr., from Charles Campbell's Run to John Davis's Mill, vice
Michael Dickey.
(252) Witness: John Murray.
(257) Jurors: John Ray, Moses Williams, John Gray,
Nicholas Seahorn.
(257) Wm. Mathews, Wm. Anderson and George Moffett,
to value improvements of John Archer on 260 acres and 83 acres.
(258) Witnesses: George Ware, Wm. Lowrey.
(258) Mary and Eve Shaver to be bound to Hugh Hays.
(258) John McCandless bound to peace on complaint of
Joseph Ware.
(263) William Dean, returned no inhabitant.
(265) William Cowan, returned no inhabitant.
(267) James Bell (North Mountain), surety.
(277) Alexr. Miller (Clerk), vs. David Rice (Clerk).
(291) Gilbert Carr, returned no inhabitant.
(295) James Frame and Wm. Wiilis, special bail.
(301) George Jamison vs. James McDowell and John
Cloyd } Abates by death of John Cloyd.
(302) Joshua McCormick and Martha versus late Martha
Robinson, Saml. and James Robinson, Exrs. of George Robinson.
(304) Thos. Rhoades committed to debtor's prison.
(309) Robt. Scott and Richd. Bodkin, Jr., special
(312) Hemp certificates: Robt. Christian, John
Christian, John McClure.
(313) Saml. Love, Wm. Crow, hemp certifrcates.
(313) Surveyors of highway: Wm. Bryans, from Fort
Lewis to Peters Creek; Thos. Barnes, from Peters Creek to Tinker
Creek; John McAdoo and John Thompson, from Tinker Creek to County
(313) Saml. Pepper appointed Constable.
(315) Witnesses: Thos. Alsberry, Wm. Meeks.
(316) Witnesses: Jacob Nicholas, Jacob Parsinger,
John Murray.
(322) John Taylor versus Malcolm McCown (son to
John). James Gilmore witness.
(330) Andrew Lewis, Patrick Martin, John Dickenson,
recommended for Sheriff.
In pursuance of the Act of Assembly for settling the
titles and bounds of lands for preventing unlawful hunting and
ranging thereon, Court orders the Vestry to divide so much of
their parish as lies in Augusta into precincts for processioning,
to appoint two intelligent, honest freeholders in each precinct
processioners, and times to be between last day of September and
last of March.
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