(333) Thos. Fulton appointed Constable, vice Davis
(334) James Lockhart committed for debtor's prison.
(334) Mary Nahan, servant of Ann Moore.
(335) Elizabeth Mathews, aged 14, orphan of Joshua
Mathews, chose George Mathews her guardian.
(336) Samuel Kent, having been committed to jail on
charge of being a runaway servant, and nothing appearing against
him --discharged.
(336) Wm. Johnson, two tithables and 100 acres,
added to tithables. John Johnson, one tihable and 120 acres,
added to tithables.
(337) Hemp certificates: John Dean, Christr. Vinyard,
James Hogshead, John Trotter, Alexr. Walker, Saml. Davis, Andrrw
Russell, Saml. Gibson, John Davison.
(338) Hemp certificates: David Wallace, Thos. Hill,
James Gilmore, Wm. Henderson, Robt. Hamilton.
(338) George Conrad qualifies administrator of
Stephen Conrad.
(338) Hugh Donaho appointed surveyor of highway from
Thos. Connelly's house to James Beard's ford, vice Alexr. Walker.
(339) Thomas McClure aged 14, orphan of Nathaniel
McClure, chose Halbert McClure guardian. John Cassaty, aged 16,
orphan of Neil Cassaty, chose Saml. Davis his guardian. Samuel
Davis qualifies administrator of Neil Cassaty.
(339) Jonas Friend appointed Constable, vice Peter
(339) John Montgomery qualifies administrator of
Alexr. Buse (Bruce).
(340) James Anderson and wife, Elizabeth, bound to
peace towards Wm. Robertson.
(340) 315 acres of Roger Kilpatrick added to
(340) George Bryans, having been committed to jail on
suspicion of being a runaway servant, and it appearing that he
was no servant--discharged.
(341) Saml. Cockrane exempted from levy--age and
(341) Grand jurors: Nathanl. Evans, Joseph Raburn,
Saml. McPheeters, Francis Erwin, Robt. Thompson, Henry Stone,
James McCain, John Ramsey, Archibald Fisher, John White, Henry
Campbell, Saml. Briggs, Richd. Renalds, Hugh Hays, Joseph
Malcolm, David Laird, John Francis, John Black, James
Leatherdale, John McClure, Hugh Donaho.
(341) Richard Murray and Catherine, his wife, late
Catherine Highlands, summoned on complaint of John Chrisman for
not bringing up the children of Henry Highlands in a
Christianlike manner.
(341) Alexr. Dale appointed Constable, vice James
Young. Joseph Bell appointed surveyor of highway from James
Lessley's to fork of road leading to Staunton, vice Archd.
(342) John Young, servant of James McGarock.
(342) Abraham Brown, one tithable and 460 acres,
added to tithables.
(342) Road established from Craig's Mill to the Mouth
of South River, and from the Mills to the Great Road leading to
(342) Hemp certificates: John Hall, David Cloyd,
Charles Lewis.
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(343) Hemp certificates: Andrew Hamilton, Dawson
Wade, James Burnsides, John Montgomery, Thos. Brown, Edwd. Erwin,
Postle Hover, James Crow, John Henderson.
(343) Surveyor of highway appointed: James Davis,
vice John Hanna.
(343) James Cloyd's mark recorded a crop in the left
ear and a slit in right and a half penny on each side of the
(344) John Hall and John White appointed surveyors of
highway from George Campbell's to Wm. McClenachan's Mill.
(344) 120 acres of Henry Cartmill added to tithables.
Added to tithables: Saml. Ferguson, John Peary and Hugh Allen.
(345) James Simpson appointed surveyor of highway
from Cow Pasture to Gilmer's Gap, and the workers from Wm.
Dougherty's down to Captain Christian's.
(346) Hemp certificates: Christopher Wiiliams, John
Moffett, John Mills, Thos. Turk, Wm. Blanton, Wm. Robertson, Wm.
Campbell, John Patrick, John Mitchell, Saml. Hamilton, Rob.
Stuart, Wallas Estil.
(347) Hemp certificates: Margaret Robinson, James
(347) Thos. Tosh, Danl. McNeill and Francis Grymes,
to view a road from the Stone House to Evans's Mill. David
Campbell and Samuel Downey appointed overseers of road from John
McCreery's to James Moffett's, vice James Callison and David
(347) Danl. Smith, greatest creditor, qualifies
administrator of Nicholas Null. Jacob Nicholas, John Coats and
Augustine Price, appraisers of Nicholas Null.
(347) John Bowen appointed overseer of the road from
the ferry on James River to the Warm Springs, opposite to John
(348) Timothy Keith, runaway servant of Alexr.
(348) Walter Trimble appointed Constable, vice James
(349) John Coalter appointed surveyor of highway from
Benj. Stuart's Branch to the Court House Road.
(349) James Ledderdale asks counter security from
Margaret Looney, admx. of Peter Looney, since intermarried with
James McKain.
(350) Thomas Rhodes, discharged in bankruptcy.
(350) Hemp certificates: Wm. Tees, Francis Stewart,
Saml. Wilson.
(351) Hemp certificates: Gabriel Alexander, Nicholas
Solles, Israel Christian, James Henderson, David Robinson, John
Buckanon, Robt. Steel, Wm. Wordlow, John Brown.
(352) John Seewright appointed surveyor of highway
from Stone Meeting House to Naked Creek. Gawin Leeper, same, from
Gratton's Store to Naked Creek. Felix Gilbert and Joseph Dicktom,
same, vice, John Cravens.
(354) John Robinson, M. R., garnishee.
(357) Thos. Carr, runaway servant of James McGill.
(358) Peter Vaneman qualified Lieutenant of Militia.
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(358) Wm. McCutcheon appointed surveyor of highway,
vice John Risk.
(359) Jurors: John Rusk, Jeremiah Ragen, Saml. Clark,
John Brown, Wm. McKee, Joseph Kinkade, Francis Stewart, James
Henderson, John Findley, Saml. Black, Wm. Long, John Caldwell.
(359) Wm. Tees vs. Michael O'Donald.--Abates by
defendant's death.
(360) Joseph McMurty and George McAfee reported that
there were not enough tithables convenient to make a wagon road
from McMurty's Mill thro' McAfee's Gap to the wagon road, and it
was only practicable to clear it for carrying loads on horseback
until the country is better settled, which is ordered, and Joseph
McMurty and James McAfee, Jr., to be surveyors and work with the
tithables on Craig's Creek and its branches from Gatlive's up,
and on Catabo from Alexander Smith's up.
(361) Jacob Pence appointed overseer of road, vice
Jacob Parsinger. Michael Shirley appointed surveyor of highway,
vice Nicholas Null. Zebulon Harrison, same, vice John Phillips.
(361) Jurors: James Hill, John Long, Pat. Christian,
Saml. Caldwell, Joseph Gamwell, James Lawrence, David Moore,
Hance Harper, Saml. Crockett, Wm. Cowdon, Jeremiah Telford, Saml.
(361) 1,916 acres of Mary Wood added to tithables.
(362) 600 acres of John Wood added to tithables.
(362) Wm. Black appointed surveyor of highway, vice
John Black.
(362) Witnesses: James Callison, John Kirk, James
(363) John Bowen.
(365) George Weaver, bound to peace towards John
(366) Hemp certificates: John Fulton, Saml.
Lawrence, John Poage.
(366) George Francis, James and Adam Reaburn, to view
improvements of John Archer on 345 acres and 75 acres.
(366) Road ordered from John Archer's Mill to Robert
Fowler's; John Blair and John Young, surveyors.
(366) Witness: Samuel Crockett.
(367) Jurors: Samuel Buchanan, James Lawrence, Wm.
Lawrence, John Craig. Benj. Keys, Wm. Kennedy, Joseph Gamwell,
Thos. Picken, Jacob Woodley, Saml. Caldwell, John Fulton, Alexr.
(368) Jurors: Wm. Watterson, John Trotter, Pat.
Buchanan, John Thompson, John Long, Wm. Huchison, Edward
Thompson, John Bamier, Joseph McClung, Thomas Rhoades, Saml.
Caldwell, James Armstrong.
(368) George Poage qualified Captain of Militia.
(369) Jurors: Wm. Christian, Andrew Greer, Wm.
Baskins, James Fowler, Saml. Henderson, Wm. McKee, John Graham,
John Fulton, James Buchanon, John Stuart, Joseph Gamwell, Adam
(369) Thos. Hughart, two tithables and 600 acres,
added to tithables.
(369) Witnesses: Winifred and Robert Kinkead.
(369) Jurors: Patrick Evans, James and John Brown,,
Wm. Willis.
(369) Witnesses: Thos. Kerr, Wm. Long, Saml. Wright.
Page 142
(370) Witnesses: Wm. Brown, Walter Davis, Wm. Black,
John Caldwell, John Long, Wm. Christian, Wm. Wright, Alexr. Long,
John Black, Joseph Love.
(371) Thos. Bowyer authorized to repair the house he
now lives in and be reimbursed by the County or out of the rents.
(371) Robert Cunningham exempted from County
levy--great age and infirmity.
(371) Saml. and James McDowell, John and Daniel Lyle,
to view the old and new roads from Timber Ridge Meeting House to
Isaac Taylor's.
(372) Jurors: Thos. Levasey, James Hill, John
Francisco, John Clark, John Caldwell, Robt. Christian, Wm. Black,
John Long, Robt. Clark, Alexr. Long, Thos. Black, Jonathan
(372) Silas Hart qualified Justice.
(372) Witness: Walter Davis, John Stuart.
(373) Mary O'Donald qualified admx. of her deceased
husband, Michael O'Donald. Appraisers, Isaac White, John McClure,
Saml. and Wm. Black.
(374) Witnesses: John Murray, John Thompson, Mathew
(374) Hemp certificate: James Bell.
(377) George Skillern swore to list of delinquents.
Francis Smith swore to list of delinquents.
(378) Nicholas Noll vs. John Craig.--Plaintiff's
death abates suit.
(382) Mary McClure vs. John and Charles
Allison.--Abates by plaintiff's death.
(384) Stephen Conrad vs. George Hoffmans.--Abates by
plaintiff's death.
(384) Margaret Barrier vs Isaac Burns.--Defendant
returned no inhabitant.
(388) Alexr. Miller (Clerk) versus David Rice
(410) John Graham (Crooked), special bail.
(411) Wm Bedford vs. John Steel.--Abates by
defendant's death.
(421) Mathew Lindsay, returned no inhabitant.
(422) Special bail: John Cawley, Robert Hartgrove.
(426) Special bail: Henry Enoch.
(431) Special bail: John Murray.
(432) Andrew Greer appointed surveyor of highway from
John Harrison's, at the Big Spring, to the County Line.
(433) John and Wm Davis. Uriah Acres. James
(436) Jurors: Mathew Reed, John Francisco, John
Clark, Archer Mathews, John Wallis, John Thompson, James
Buchanan, Alexr. Thompson, John Bigham, Joseph Henderson, Thos.
Rhoades, Michael Dickey.
(438) Witness: Francis Smith.
(441) Archd. Gilkeson appointed surveyor of highway,
vice George Moffett.
(447) Juror: William West.
(449) Robert Hartgrove appointed Constable in
Page 143
(450) Witnesses: Samuel Henderson, John Seewright,
Gawin Leeper, Michael Dickey, Margaret Leeper.
(451) Mathew Lindsey, returned no inhabitant.
(453) Witnesses: Jacob Arckenbright, John Fudge,
Samuel Maggott.
(455) Mathew Mullen, returned no inhabitant.
(456) Francis Burk, returned no inhabitant.
(459) Elizabeth Stuart's (late Elizabeth Wallace)
account of administration of Samuel Wallace's estate.
(468) Ordered that Thos. Lewis, Thos. Gorden and
Abraham Smith lay off dower of Margaret Gregg, late widow of
Arthur Johnston, deceased, in 237 acres of her late husband.
(469) Abraham Smith appointed guardian to Andrew
Johnston, orphan of Arthur Johnston, to defend a suit brought by
(469) Euphemia Hughes appointed guardian ad litem
of Euphemia, Jane and Mary Hughes, orphans and co-heirs of James
(483) Order for summoning Wm. Thompson and John
Buchanan continued. Order summoning Martha Bryan dismissed. Order
summoning Joseph Bonsant, on complaint of Francis Viers, is
dismissed. Order summoning Joseph Gamble continued. Order
summoning John Cassaty dismissed. Order summoning Isabella and
John Robinson continued. Order summoning Humphrey Baker
(483) James Kennerley has leave to build a mill on
his own land on South River.
(484) County levy.
(488) John Murray Montague, creditor of the County.
(489) Hemp certificates: Peachy Ridgeway Gilmore,
David Doak, John McKee, Jacob Anderson, Ro. Allison, Rob.
(490) Hemp certificates: John Patterson, John Moore,
John Parks, Tim. Caul, Wm. McClellon, Wm. Bear, Wm. Campbell,
Michael Coulter, Nathan Peoples, James McCrary, Rob. Whitley,
James Hays.
(491) Hemp certificates: Jonathan Cunningham, James
McCown, James Campbell, John Thompson, John Willey, Alexr. Deal,
James Thompson, Thos. Kilpatrick, John Nickle.
(492) Hemp certificates: Moses Cunningham, David
Robinson, William Robinson.
(492) James Hartgrove appointed Constable, vice Rob.
(493) Lazarus Inman to work the road of which Robert
Allen, Jr., is overseer.
(493) Hemp certificates: John Gilmer, John Walker,
Peter Wallace, David McGee, John McClung, Andrew Larney.
(494) Hemp certificates: James McKee, Andrew Boyd,
Alexr. Dunlap, John Campbell, James McCampbell, James McDowell,
George Moffett, Andrew Mis Campbell, John Lyle.
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