(274) Hemp certificates: Nicholas Zehorn, Jr., Alexr.
(275) John Bowyer's mark recorded--a swallow fork in
each ear and brand 63.
(287) John Welsh, servant to David Bell, agrees to
serve David nine months in consideration of being taught the
tailor's trade.
(290) John McFawle, returned no inhabitant.
(301) Silas Pearce, returned no inhabitant.
(303) Constable: John Gardner, vice James Stevenson.
(309) Thomas Bowyer qualifies administrator of James
(310) Luke Bowyer admitted to practice in this
(310) Jacob Miller's nuncupative will partly proved
and Catherine, widow of Jacob, qualifies admx.
(311) Nicholas Welsh, witness to deed, Staunton to
Paulin, is dead.
(312) Hemp certificates: Paul Whitley, Wm. Lame,
Moses Cavit.
(314) John Caton, runaway servant of Rob. Stevenson.
(314) Constable: James Hall, vice Charles Campbell.
(314) Overseers road: James Gamwell, vice John
Anderson: Robert McMahon, from John Seewright's Mill to Thomas
(315) John Hannah has leave to build a mill on his
own land on Collier's Creek.
(315) Constable: James Burnside, vice Edward Hynds.
(315) Mary Richardson, orphan of Joseph Richardson,
to be bound to Mathew Robertson.
(315) Francis Smith qualifies administrator of David
(316) Constable: John Boyd, vice George Adams.
(316) Robert Lusk qualified Ensign.
(317) Martha Allen, wife of Robert Allen,
relinquishes dower in tract--44 acres--conveyed to John
McClenachan. Surveyor of road, Wm. McKee.
(318) Hemp certificates: John Mills, James Gilmore.
(319) Hemp certificates: Andrew Buckanon, Thomas
McCollock and Andrew Smiley.
(319) Jonathan Whitley appointed guardian ad
litem to Lilley Whitley. Margaret Clark appointed guardian ad
litem to James Clark.
(320) "Lie Bill" by Elirabeth Inzer to
Ephraim Love -- ordered recorded.
(323) Wm. Watterson summoned for not providing for
his servant, Elizabeth Wiley.
(326) Hugh Hays imprisoned for debt.
(327) Tithables in the bent of Jackson's River from
Robert Galespy's to Fort Young--exempted from working on the Cow
Pasture Road.
(333) Hemp certificates: Sampson Christian, John
Davis (Mossy Creek).
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(334) On motion of John McElwrath, deeds Borden's
executors to Robt. McElwrath be altered from Robert to the name
of John McElwrath.
(335) Saml. Weer, Saml. Steel and Robert Steel
(miller) -- to view a road from Steel's Mill to James Telford's.
(335) Richard Moore granted leave to build a mill on
his own land, near Fort Chiswell, at the mouth of Lick Run.
(335) Peter Cassaty, orphan of Neal Cassaty, to be
bound to Saml. Wallace, to learn trade of carpenter.
(336) Richard Campbell, witness from Frederick. John
Seviar, witness from Frederick
(336) Patrick Martin, two tithables and 752 acres --
added to tithables.
(337) Abraham Hempenstall--witness.
(338) Witnesses: Joseph, Elizabeth, Joseph, Jr.,
Thomas and Robert Rutherford.
(339) Witness: Valentine Seviar, Jr.
(341) Robert Gragg, from Winchester--witness.
(343) Alexr. McWiller, being arrested as a servant,
discharged, nothing appearing against him. Allden Willott, same.
Alexander McGuillen, same (McWillen, supra?).
(343) William Morris, runaway servant of John Wilson.
(344) Mary Wilson qualifies admx. of decd. husband,
James Wilson.
(344) John Ellis, runaway servant of Samuel Hind.
(345) Witnesses: James Harris, John McNutt.
(348) Witnesses: John Frogg, John Pigman.
(349) Juror: Robert Minnis.
(352) Surveyor of highway: John Hogshead, vice
James Sayers, Jr.
(352) Sarah Buckthorn, servant of William Lockhart.
(352) Jurors: Joseph Goore, Henry Goore.
(353) James Cowan, Jr., appointed Constable, vice
John Hunter.
(354) Witness: Joseph McAdams.
(354) Walter Gray, runaway servant of William Poage.
(363) Thomas Moore's will produced and witnesses
(369) John Campbell, Jr. (near Stone Meeting
House), special bail.
(385) Two "Stone Plates" attached and sold
for 5/6.
(391) Andrew Boyd vs. John Bryan: One Tom Hawk
attached and sold for 1s/.
(415) Margaret Robertson, admx. of _____ Robertson,
versus Abraham Haines.--Abates by plaintiffs marriage.
(440) Constable: John Craig (Robert's son), vice John
Page 151
(442) Elizabeth Wallace--no inhabitant.
(444) John Shanklin, Charles Callachan, John
Hopkins--to view road from Thomas Gordon's to Aaron Oliver's.
(450) Overseer road: John Black, vice Robert Reed.
(450) Sarah Walkly, runaway servant of George Berry.
(455) Witness. Edward Biggs.
(464) John Hughes, returned no inhabitant.
(466) Witness: Abraham Towson.
(466) Road surveyor: David Bell, vice John Anderson.
(467) Called Court for examination of John
Dunn--larceny--39 lashes.
(467) Last August, Court having recommended
Patrick Martin, John Christian and John Dickinson to appointment
as Sheriff, Martin withdraws, and at his rrquest and with consent
of Christian, John Bowyer's name is placed in his stead.
(469) Tithables added: Arthur McClure and one
other, John Davis, Robert Allen and two others, Samuel Lindsey
and two others.
(469) County levy.
(470) County levy: To John Bearling, wolf scalp; to
Solomon Turpen, wolf scalp.
(471) John York, runaway servant of Robert Gilkison.
(472) Constables: Joseph Hicks, vice Saml. Pepper;
Andrew Calvin, on Little River of New River; James Curry vice
John Clark.
(472) Road surveyor: Thomas Rowland, vice Samuel
(472) Constable: Thomas Brown, vice Walter Trimble.
(473) Admn. granted to Saml. McDowell and Pat. Martin
on estate of Wm. Wilson, on motion of Ann Pollock, wife of James
(473) Surveyors of highway: Cornelius Ruddle, from
Reeder's Mines to Michael Warring's; John Crawford, vice George
Poage, from Pedler Ford to Bullett's Springs.
(474) Constable: Thomas Patterson, vice John Dixon.
(474) John Mitchell (in Forks of James) enempted from
levy. Charles Boyles, exempted from levy.
(474) John Nelson complains of being detained as a
servant of James Cotton.
(474) James Anderson, Jr., (son of James Anderson,
deaf) be summoned for not supporting his children in a
Christianlike manner.
(474) Robert Reed, runaway servant of David Hogshead.
Page 152
(476) John Bowyer qualified Sheriff.
(476) Nicholas and Eleanor King, orphans of Joseph
King, to be bound to Robert Clark.
(477) Constable. William McClalen, vice Andrew
(482) John Davis appointed guardian of Mary, John,
Daniel and Michael Higgins, orphans of Daniel Higgins.
(490) Highway surveyor: Henry Erwin, vice Benjamin
Harrison, from Linvell's Creek to Mole Hill.
(494) Robert Belsher, vice Samuel Mousey
(494) Road surveyor: Moses McElwain, vice William
(495) Constable: Samuel Blackwood in Cap. Christian's
(495) John Summers, James Gilmure and Moses Colier,
to view a road from George Gibson's at the House Mountain to John
Hanna's Mill.
(495) One panther skin attached.
(497) James Robinson (South River) exempted from
(499) Mary Sanders, servant of John Sharp Watkins.
(504) Lydia Lyon to be bound to Francis Smith.
(507) Lilley Pratt. servant of James Kennerley.
(508) County levy -- continued.
(508) Elizabeth Wiley, servant of William Watterson.
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