(1) Thos. McFarron vs. Wm. Moore.--Attachment on one
(11) Attachment on one cuttoe knife.
(31) Wm. Stewart vs. James Anderson.--Abates by
plaintiff's death.
(32) Thomas Bullitt, returned no inhabitant.
(42) John Nelson to be bound to Wm. Hyde, to learn
trade of carptnter.
(45) John McCreery appointed road surveyor. John
Hamilton appointed road surveyor from Warm Springs Road to Cap.
Dickenson's, and to work with the tithables on Jackson's River,
from Wm. Mann's to Duncan McFarland's, and tithables on back
Creek--vice John McClenachan.
Page 153
(47) Andrew Greer vs. James Hughes's admrs. and
heirs: Conveyance to be made as soon as Euphemia, Jane and Mary
Hughes come of age.
(48) Ephraim Wilson--witness from Pittsylvania.
(48) Margaret Crow, wife of William Crow, releases
(49) John Sevior, witness from Frederick.
(50) Abraham Townsend, witness from Albemarle.
(52) Andrew Lewis qualified justice in Court of
(61) Robert Brown and James Sawyer, Jr., to view the
nearest and most convenient way thro' Buffalo Gap to the road
leading to Staunton. Thomas Hughart and Andrew Hamilton to view
the most convenient way from John Hodges' to the Buffalo Gap
(70) John Redpath, runaway servant of Samp.
(70) County levy is 4 pence.
(71) Called Court for examination of Robert
McMahon, charged with the murder of Robert Reaburn.--Sent to
Williamsburg for trial.
(72) Oyer and Terminer on George and Poll, slaves
of John Rice, of North Carolina, for housebreaking. -- Guilty,
but as they were under the influence of George Hendricks, ought
not to suffer death, but receive 39 lashes and ears cropped.
(75) John Magill qualified attorney at law.
(77) Hemp certificates: Nicholas Sollas, Thomas
(78) Jane Graham, widow of deceased, and Joseph
Vohub, qualify admrs. of David Graham.
(78) Thomas Clofford, runaway servant of Robert
Fowler. William Brewer, runaway servant of Hugh Campbell.
(79) Miss Susanna Evans, aged --, orphan of Daniel
Evans, chose Wm. McClenachan her guardian.
(79) Hemp certificates: John Parks, James McCroorey.
(80) Hemp certificates: William Uly, Thomas Bland.
(81) Hemp certificates: James Templeton.
(82) Following to be bound out by Church Wardens,
viz: Mildred Viers to John Campbell; Elizabeth Viers to Robert
Campbell; Gideon Viers and David Viers to David Laird.
(83) Road surveyor: John Finley, vice Robert Allen.
(83) Abraham Christman proposes to build a mill on
his own land on Crab Creek.
Page 154
(84) Road surveyor: Robert Hamilton, vice John
(84) Court appoints William McPheeters, Jr., guardian
of Alexr. and Robert Crawford, orphans of Alexr. Crawford.
(84) Constable: John Summers, vice Alexr. Dale.
(84) Road surveyor: John Hays, vice Jacob Anderson.
(85) John Gilmore qualified administrator of
Margaret Lynn.
(86) Adam Stroud naturalized.
(86) James McCrachy appointed Constable, vice Mathias
(87) John Paxton appointed road surveyor, vice John
(88) John Lynn, orphan of Robert Lynn, to be bound to
Archibald Reah.
(89) John Stewart, security for Susanna King, admx.
of her deceased husband, John Cockrain (wife of Henry King), asks
counter security. Henry and Susanna also summoned to show cause
why they do not provide for their children.
(90) Mary, wife of David Frame, relinquishes dower.
(90) Viewers to report on a road from Dry Gap to John
Archer's Mill.
(94) One sheperdee attached.
(96) Timothy Warren appointed Constable, vice William
(96) Following orphans of Francis McCown to be bound:
Agnes, to John McCown; Francis, to Tully Deavitt; Catherine, to
Robert Christian.
(99) Jacob Lorton appointed Constable, vice Samuel
(102) One frizer and ring attached.
(103) Samuel Ekerling versus Valentine Zinn, son and
heir-at-law of Garrett Zinn.--Chancery.
(104) John Sibert binds himself to Jacob Argenbright.
(104) Patrick Mooney exempted from County levy.
(109) Sheriff informed the Court that
negroes George and Poll, belonging to George Rice, of North
Carolina, had lain in jail three months, and asked
directions--Ordered that he provide iron collars, stamped with
the letters A. G., and hire them out until their master comes and
proves property.
(110) Following attached: Smothing iron, fire shovel.
(110) Following garnishees: William Thomas, Joseph
Boshire, Nathan Rigland, John Rayreigh.
(111) Attached: One chaff bed.
(112) Witness: Henry Eyness.
(113) Felix Gilbert and Michael Shirley appointed
surveyors of the road from Jacob Nicholas's to Hance Magots.
(116) John Murray and Elizabeth, one of the co-heirs
of her uncle, John Mathews, deceased, plaintiffs, versus Martha
Mathews.--Division of the estate.
Page 155
(119) Witnesses: Jaob Moyer, Windlw Evert,
Christiania Evert.
(119) Wm. Crane beat his master, Henry
King.--Complaint dismissed because Henry was not hurt.
(125) Charles Donnerly and John McCreery
appointed surveyors of road from Capt. Charles Lewis's to, the
Fork of Dickinson's Road.
(139) Wm. Craig versus Robert Archer.--Dismissed; no
(141) Liliey Whitely versus John Thompson.--Abates by
plaintiff's marraige.
(148) James Deuer versus Robt. Henderson.--Dismissed;
no inhabitant.
(169) Wm. Christian granted certificate that he is
of probity, honesty and good behavior.--Attorney's license.
(169) Henry Pauling, Joseph Murty and John Potts--to
view a road from Joseph Murty's house down Craig's Creek and
Patterson's Creek into the main road from John Crawford's to the
Stone House.
(169) George Skillern qualified Justice.
(196) Alexr. McClenachan qualified Deputy Sheriff.
(196) Court of Claims and Grievances.
(197) Hemp certificate: Archd. McCurdy.
(199) Overseers of road: Thomas Reed, vice Malcolm
Allen; Mathew Kinney.
(199) Jacob Hornberrier naturalized.
(200) Constables: Wm. Carren, vice Joseph Robinson;
Wm. Rutledge, vice Alexr. Gibson; Wm. Lusk, vice John Carlile;
Robt. Gamble, vice John Clark.
(200) Overseer road: John Buchanan, vice Samuel
(202) Constable: Richard Mays, vice John Clendennin.
(203) James Lynch, runaway servant of Rob.
Stephenson: Wm. Wooldridge, runaway servant of Michael Coulter;
Joseph Webb, runaway servant of Joseph Moore.
(204) Constable William Craig, vice Adam Pence.
(204) Road overseer: Henry Stone, vice Henry Pickle.
(204) William Beates, runaway servant of William
Page 156
(205) Hemp certificate: Robert McAfee.
(206) Hemp certificates: James McAfee, Jr., Alexr.
(207) Constables. James Edmiston, vice John Gardner;
Wm. McGee, vice George McAfee.
(208) William Christian committed to jail for debt,
(210) Constable: John Peoples, vice Daniel Lyle.
(211) Constable: John Herdman, Jr., vice John Gordon.
(212) Overseer of road: Thomas Moore, vice Andrew
Greer, from County Line to Fork of Road by John Harrison's.
(212) Children of Daniel Clark and Christian Boyd to
be bound.
(214) Complaint of Eleanor Dunn--James Stewart to be
summoned to show cause why he does not teach his apprentice,
Walter Dunn, his trade and cloathe and provide for him according
to law.
(217) Juror: James Bambridge.
(218) Robert Armstrong, Henry Cresswell and James
Bell--to view the most convenient way from Buffalo Gap to
(220) Aaron Hughes, John Moore, Thomas Moore and
Jacob Woodley -- to view the road from Hughes's Lane by Mathew
Harrison's Mill to County Line.
(222) Following recommended for appointment as
Justices. Matthew Harrison, William Ingles, William Christian,
George Mathews, John McClenachan, James Robertson, Stephen Trigg,
William Horbert, Philip Love, Anthony Bledsoe, John Bowman, John
Thomas, Roberl Doage and John Montgomery. The following to be
left off and reasons given to the Governor by the Clerk: John
Chizwell, John Wilson, John Archer, Alexr. Boyd, David Robinson,
Benj. Estill, John Maxwell, Charles Lewis. Andrew Bird, Richard
(224) Margaret Woods, late Margaret Robinson, widow
of William Robinson.
(225) Aaron Hughes appointed Constable, vice Jacob
(226) John Southerland, an orphan, to be bound to
Thomas Lookey.
(227) Road surveyor: George Baxter, vice John Thomas.
(229) Witness; Nathan Ragland.
(234) Overseer of road: William Herren, vice Benj.
(237) Witness: Samuel Irons.
(240) Witness: Sibera Trader.
(252) John Hill has leave to buiid a grist mill on
his own land on Strumples Creek.
(260) Robert McMahon vs John Jones.--Abates by
plaintiff's death.
Page 157
(301) Blanton, Assignee, vs. Lorimer.--Abates by
defendant's death.
(302) John Cockrain, son of John Cockrain, deed., to
be bound to Hugh Allen, he teaching him the trade of a
wheelwright and joiner.
(302) Following orphans of John Cockrain, deed., to
be bound according to law, viz: Robert, James, Elizabeth and
(305) Wm. McCutcheon, security for Margaret Clark,
admx. of her husband, since intermarried with John Smith, claims
counter security.
(313) John Dean appointed road surveyor from Forks of
Lewis and Dickenson Road to the Warm Springs, vice John Hamilton.
Road to be surveyed from Davis's cabin to Warm Springs.
(316) John Black appointed overseer of road, vice
Robert Reed.
(316) Barbara Sivert, daughter of Charles
Frederick Sivert, to be bound to Philip Horless.
(319) Following children of Francis Siver to be
bound out: Francis Peter Siver, to Peter Churn, to learn cooper;
Margaret Siver, to Adam Haverstick; Mary Siver, to Simon
(319) James Caghey, Wm. Terry and Wm. Cox--to value
improvements of John Mills on 550 acres on South Fork of Roanoke
and 1,170 acres on the Wolf Creek, a branch of Roanoke, and 180
acres on Roanoke.
(320) Appraisers appointed on estate of George Darr.
(322) Appraisers appointed on estate of John
Buchanon, viz: On James River, John and Jonathan Smith and George
Skillern; at New River, John Blackmore, Samnel Pepper and Joseph
How; at Reed Creek, John Montgomery, David Looney and Josiah
(323) Richard Moore has leave to build mill on South
Fork of Reed Creek, about two miles above the wagon road.
(324) Following recommended as Justices, viz: Mat.
Harrison, Wm. Ingles, Wm. Christian, George Mathews, John
McClenachan, James Robertson, Stephen Trigg, Wm. Herbert, Philip
Love, Anthony Bledsoe, John Bowman, John Thomas, Robert Doage,
John Montgomery, Alexr. Thompson, James Craig, Waiter Crockett,
Andrew Lockridge, Walter Cunningham and James McGavock. The
following to be left off, reasons to be given by the Clerk and
former order discharged, viz: John Chiswell, John Buchanan, John
Wilson, John Archer, John Maxwell, Charles Lewis, Alexr. Boyd.
(325) "Massauntting" mentioned.
(328) Catharine Sawyers, orphan of Alexr. Sawyers,
aged 15 last March, to be bound to Daniel McNare.
(329) Benj. Carr--witness from Culpeper.
(331) William Charlton appointed appraiser of John
Melley's improvements.
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