(2) John Buchanan vs. Robt. Sayers.--Death of
plaintiff abates.
(11) Adam Broyle vs. John Buchanan.--Death of
plaintiff (?) abates.
(20) James Troro's estate committed to Samuel
Erwin, greatest creditor.
(21) James Young, aged 14, orphan of James Young,
chose John Young guardian.
(22) John Neeley (son of James) appointed guardian
of Catharine Evans, orphan of Daniel Evans.
(25) James Gamwell vs. Thos. Gillespie.--Abates by
plaintiff's death.
(27) John Munks, being committed to jail as a
runaway servant, is discharged, nothing appearing against him.
(27) Wm. Henry, executor of Wm. Jevon, vs.
(29) Anna, wife of Francis Smith, priv.
examination--deed Francis Smith to Robert Findley.
(32) George and William Mathews and John Maury
appointed guardians of John, Moses, William, Ann and Elizabeth,
orphans of John Bowen.
(43) Mathews vs. Mirian Cloyd.--Attached--one
Dutch oven.
(56) John Bowyer, Sheriff, informs the Court that he
is apprehensive that the County is about to be divided, when his
house will be in the new County, having served but one year,
prays that the Court will recommend his brother, William Bowyer,
for Sheriff, which is done.
(59) James Frow vs. John Archer.--Abates by
plaintiff's death.
(59) George Null, eldest son and heir of Nicholas
Null, vs. John Craig. Decree in chancery for plaintiff for 400
(59) Called Court on Jacob, a slave for
felony.--Not guilty of housebreaking, but of shooting at the
children of Alexr. Moore--39 lashes.
(61) Called Court on James Denniston,
for breaking into shop of John Abney and stealing silver coin--39
Page 159
(61) Two stoves to be purchased for the jail.
(62) David Black's will contested by his widow,
Elizabeth Black, on ground of insanity, but overruled and
(62) Dower to he laid off to Margaret McMahon in 300
acres conveyed by her husband to Hugh Donaho.
(64) John Stevenson appointed guardian to James
Rusk, orphan of James Rusk.
(64) William Strother Madison qualified Deputy
(64) Elizabeth Rutherford qualifies admx. of Thomas
(65) John Kerr, eldest son of deceased, qualifies
admr. of James Kerr.
(65) John May took the oath of an attorney.
(66) The surveyor ordered to run the dividing line
between Augusta and Botetourt as far as the Western Waters.
(66) Alexr. McClenachan appointed guardian of John,
Andrew, James, Elizabeth and David Black, orphans of David Black.
(66) Following recommended as Justices: Mathew
Harrison, John McClenachan, George Mathews, Michael Bowyer, James
McDowell, Alexr. Robertson, John Gratton, John Hays, Jr., Thomas
Hugart, John Stewart, James Craig, Elijah McClenachan.
(68) Attached--a piece of Sagathy, one capuchin.
(69) Mildred Randal to be bound to Hugh Donaho.
Rachel Randal to be bound to Samuel Hunter.
(80) Estate of Mary Creist, being very small, is
committed to the Sheriff.
(80) Samuel Henderson and Jane ordered summoned to
prove the will of John Stevenson.
(80) John Anderson vs. Christian Bingaman.--Defendant
no inhabitant.
(100) William Fowler vs James Stevenson.--Abates by
death of plaintiff.
(100) Andrew Hays vs. Moses Cunningham.--Abates by
death of deft.
(102) Catharine Madison, aged 16, orphan of
Humphrey Madiion, chose John Madison her guardian.
(102) John Gratton, Alexr. McClenachan, John Poage,
Saml. McDowell, George Moffet, Archibald Huston, John Hays, Wm.
Bowyer, John McClenachan--qualified vestrymen.
(103) New Commission.
(104) John Caldwell has leave to build an oil
mill on his land on South River.
Page 160
(104) John Harvie took the oath of an attorney.
(106) Writing from Richard Williamson to wife, Abbey
Williamson, recorded.
(101) Agnes Young vs. John Brown.--Abates by
defendant's death.
(108) Patrick Martin vs Joseph
Martin.--Abates by plaintiff's death.
(116) His widow Martha and his father, Alexander,
qualify administrators of Alexander Walker, Jr.
(116) John Bear and George Spear naturalized.
(116) Margaret, widow of Patrick Martin, refuses to
act administrator.
(116) Appraisers appointed for estate of John Smith.
(117) Barnett Lynch, Michael Arbocoast and Peter
Flesher naturalized.
(117) Estate of Wm. Salix committed to Felix Gilbert.
(119) Wm. Sharpe appointed guardian of Jane Meek,
orphan of John Meek.
(119) Francis Viers--bankrupt.
(124) Called Court on Jesse Townsend for murder of Noah Roundtree--sent for trial before General Court.
(128) George Hay--no inhabitant.
(129)) George McCown--no inhabitant. Wm. Hamilton--no
(130) John Ward, Sr., and Jr.--no inhabitant.
(137) James Mays--no inhabitant.
(147) Following no inhabitants--suits dismissed--viz: James Ward, John Vance, James Johnston, Patrick Denny, Solomon White.
(148) Ephraim Dunlap qualified attorney.
(148) Estate of Henry Coffman committed to his widow.
(149) Christopher Graham, aged 16, orphan of Robt.
Graham, chose Thos. Hicklin guardian.
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CR--Vol. I--6
(149) Elizabeth Campbell complains of her father,
William Campbell, that he does not provide for her and his other
children--to be summoned.
(149) George Mathews qualified Sheriff.
(150) William Long, aged 15, orphan of Wm. Long, chose Thomas and Charles Lewis guardians.
(156) Elizabeth Wilson, aged 16, orphan of Samuel Wilson, chose Alexr. McClenachan her guardian, and he is appointed guardian for Martha, her sister.
(157) Charles Boddy fined for peddling without license.
(162) William Hugart vs. Joseph Carpenter} Decree
for plaintiff for sale of 160 acres on Jackson's River, part of
782 acres patented to Joseph June 1, 1750. Memo.--The land was
sold by Edward McMullen, Jan'y., 1771, at public auction, and
bought by plaintiff for £90.
(169) Henry Coffman's death abates suit.
(177) It appearing that Archer Mathews is no longer capable of instructing his apprentice, Robert Shaw, as an apprentice, and that James Shaw, Robert's father, is incapable of bringing him up in a Christianlike manner--to be bound to John Frogg, to learn the same trade.
(179) Estate of Arthur Frogg, decd., committed to his brother John Frogg.
(180A) The record says 1772--the leaf pages 181-182 have been torn out and the pages 180A-183A were once sealed together.
(See page 328, infra.)
(180A) Conrad Custard's nuncupative will proved, the widow consenting--estate committed to his son, Paul Custard.
(180) Mary Huffman, orphan of Nicholas Huffman, to be bound to David Magert.--Hie agrees to give her £8, 10, and a new spinning wheel when she comes of age and teach her to read and write. Elizabeth Huffman,
Page 162
orphan as above, to Samuel Morgert.--He
gives her £9, 16, a new spinning wheel and teaches her to read
and write.
(180) Estate of William Christian committed to Wm.
Bowyer, creditor.
(183) On complaint of Henry King and Susanna, Hugh Allen summoned to show cause why he illegally detains and does not teach his apprentice, John Cockrane, his trade and give him sufficient clothing.
(184) Elliott Rutherford appointed guardian of
Robert, Joseph, Reuben and Mary Rutherford, orphans of Thomas
(188) Estate of Wm. Floyd, decd., committed to his
eldest brother, Samuel Floyd.
(189) Alexr. Miller vs. John Brown.--Verdict of not guilty
(190) Jacob Woodley, security for Elizabeth
Rutherford, admx. of Thos. Rutherford, decd., her late husband
(since intermarried with Evan Price), asks counter security.
(191) John Pairtree natrualized.
(196) Pat. McCorkle vs. Wm. Christian.--Defendant's death abates suit.
(197) James Dunn to be bound to Thomas Smith, who
is to teach him trade of carpenter and joiner.
(204) Henry Picket's death abates suit.
(208) Malcom McCown vs William Christian,
Jr.--Defendant's death abates suit.
(208) William Kennedy, returned no inhabitant.
(214) Liquors rated.
(215) Called Court on Mathew Thorpe, for horse
stealing from Joseph Pearce of Westmoreland.--Committed for
(215) John Todd, Jr., qualified attorney.
(217) Elizabeth, wife of James Anderson, relinquished
dower in 100 acres--deed to Joseph Reaburn.
(218) John McClenachan qualified
Captain of Militia.
(218) William Glaves appointed guardian ad litem
for Esther Glaves, orphan of Mathew Glaves, deceased.
Page 163
(218) Wm. Watterson, confined in jail for debt,
applies for release as a bankrupt.
(222) Nancy Childs, daughter of
Elizabeth Carroll, to be bound to Elizabeth Cunningham.
(224) Gabriel Jones, Felix Gilbert
and Daniel Smith inform the Court that smallpox in the natural
way is come in their neighborhood within two or three miles of
their plantations--Leave is given to Dr. John McDonald and every
other doctor to inoculate the said families or any other in any
or what part of the County any person that chooses to be
(231) David Beard vs. John
Stuart.--Abates by defendant's death.
(231) John Stuart vs. Sampson
Mathews. Abates by plaintiff's death.
(242) Archer Mathews--no inhabitant.
(246) Robert Armstrong--no inhabitant.
(250) Mary Dice qualifies admx. of husband, George
(251) William Strother Madison qualified Deputy
(254) Samuel Craig is appointed
guardian of John Black, orphan of Anthony Black.
(255) Isabella Scott proves the importation of
herself and children, viz: Nathaniel, Mathew, John, William,
Jean, Francis and Isabella.
(255) Frances McNutt, the same her children, viz:
James, John, Frances, Agnes and Isabella.
(255) James Scott, same, for himself and wife,
(256) Robert Cowardin, same, for himself and wife,
(266) John Edmenston's death abates
(258) Court requests that Andrew Bird be left out of
the commission of the peace because he was guilty of wilful and
corrupt perjury in the suit, Bird vs. Thomas Moore, for slander.
(273) James Gregory vs. James
Cochrane.--Abates by plaintiff's death.
(278) Joseph Long-no inhabitant.
(279) William Slaughter--no inhabitant.
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